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Mare Lines
Hanoverian Line „Cabanda“ , also Pik Bube I + II

The StPrSt Donatella was 1f / 6th best mare of her year in Rastede / Oldenburg, all basic gaits were graded over 9. Among others, the S-successful Wonapalai from Westernhagen (also 2x BCH, 1x small final among amateur riders!) originated from her and also the mare Wianne from Weltmeyer and Aragorn from A Jungle Prince were successful in MA dressage and M show jumping.

In 2015, Kiratella had a colt from For Romance (Fürst Romancier / Sir Donnerhall) from Lodbergen dressage training center. The foal was sold to a dressage rider in southern Germany when he was 4 years old. In 2017, Kiratella and her filly from Blue Hors Farrel were sold to Lower Saxony. As an Oldenburger mare, Kiratella is also approved in Hanover with a total average score of “8”.
Fee , filly 2017 from Blue Hors Farrel out of Kiratella / both sold to Lower Saxony
Francotelli from For Romance, born 2015.
Wonapalai from Westernhagen out of StPrSt Donatella at BCH, S-successful, sold to Bavaria.
Fats Domino from Fidertanz out of StPrSt Donatella, sold to southern Germany.
Bonatella from Bonifatius / Belissimo M out of Kiratella from King Arthur out of Donatella from Rubinstein - Donnerwetter - Pik König - Frustra II - Domspatz - Der Löwe xx. The Pik König daughter Pik Dame is a full sister to Pik Bube I and II.
Indiana Jones , colt 2017, from Indian Rock / Apache out of Bonatella from Bonifatius, sold to southern Germany.
Zinderella R , filly April 2019 from Zackerey / Zack out of Bonatella from Bonifatius / Belissimo M
Will be raised in Radegast, she will later inherit her mother in our breeding!
Mariella R , born April 20, 2020, from Maracana / Millenium out of Bonatella from Bonifatius / Belissimo M
A dream of a foal, sold to NRW!
Incidentally, also Santana from Sandro Hit out of Rafinesse from Rubinstein originates from this Hanoverian dam line. He was successful in international GP for years under Minna Telde from Sweden.
Duncan R, born 2022, from Despacito (Don Nobless x Sandro Hit) out of Bonatella R

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